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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Lola Has a GIRL!

We are PROUD to announce Lola delivered a big beautiful black girl this morning. We are so hopeful this is a Killian daughter and if she really IS by Killian this beauty will not be for sale. DNA testing will be done as soon as Emily names her.
We don't even care that Lola didn't throw spots, this filly is exquisite. The only white marking is her tiny star.
 A general rule is that usually a mare will throw 75% of herself and the stallion only 25% but so far with each of our foals the babies look more like their daddy.

Lola delivered the placenta quickly, even before the filly was standing, what we didn't like to see was the bright red color. Lola was so excited to see her baby she jumped up tearing the placenta but it seemed to be delivered entire so we believe the tear happened while part of it was outside her and do not feel any was left inside. 
Lola will need to be watched to make sure there was none left inside. This shows up by a foul odor and discharge within a couple days. If that happens she will need to be taken in to the vet clinic and cleaned out. Feel free to watch the birth in the video below:

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