The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


The temperature dropped all day but the wind rose. It is blowing so hard the windmill is singing. I spent the day processing labels at the Berean office. Marvin stopped in to install a new computer for the program.
As soon as I got home a big pot of creamy chicken and wild rice soup was put on to simmer. Soup sounded good on this cold windy day.
This evening we would like to introduce Anna v/d Mokkenburg. Anna was born April 17th, 2000 in the Netherlands and imported to the United States as a 3 year old. We purchased Anna in 2014 from a lady that had only used her as a brood mare. In our business all the mares we have must also be used for trail rides, camps and performances so Emily and Rhoda were asked to train her. She had just come to our farm in the 2 pictures below.

Emily used round pen reasoning with her, then Rhoda tacked her up and off they went. By the second time riding her, Rhoda was able to steer with her legs, ride with a tarp flying behind her and even asked Anna to go over a few small jumps.

We were so pleased with how quickly she picked up her new job that we took Anna to the 2014 IL Horse Fair with Our Anni riding her. They performed the play Cinderella in the Friesian demo that year.
Anna was bred to Valiant and produced a big hairy colt Jan 8th, 2015. He sold right after birth.
 Anna and her colt were taken to the 2015 IL Horse Fair where he was the only foal on the grounds. He drew a crowd where ever he went and people flocked to our stalls to see him.
Anna was also in the play Maleficent for the Friesian demo at the 2015 IL Horse Fair as the kings mount.

Anna will be at the 2016 IL Horse Fair with Our Anni as her rider. This demo is going to be action packed and very exciting. We hope to have a good crowd come down to watch. There will be sword fights, gold coins, jewels, and fun costumes. The IL Horse fair is held in Springfield, IL on March 4th, 5th, and 6th, at the state fairgrounds. 

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