The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, January 11, 2016

Manes and Tails

We had a big group on our walk this morning, only Rachel didn't make it, she wimped out and was afraid of turning into an ice cube and to think she is the youngest of us sisters living here. Ruth joined us wearing a new scarf still sporting the tags. We were teasing her that with money tight she must be expecting a short winter and could be thinking of taking the scarf back to the store. She laughingly informed us it was a gift from one of her students.
Emily joined us for the second round After the walk Emily and I started moving round bales. The middle paddock got 2 new bales. After breakfast Emily went back out to start washing, braiding and wrapping tails and de-tangling manes. Jenis, Eliza, Oksana and Zalena were fancied up.
Emily quit after those 4 mares were done, her fingers were getting tired. The horses were grained then I came in to work on cooking the roasts for dinner tonight and tomorrow's lunch. Joan and her children were busy splitting wood all afternoon. We could hear them working from across the fields. They have 2 woodburners to keep burning during this cold spell.  It is going to get very cold again tomorrow but by Thursday we are suppose to have a warming trend. 

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