The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, December 14, 2015

No Show

We were surprised the rain stopped this morning long enough for our walk although it started sprinkling a few times during it. We got and more than an inch and a half of rain, the ponds and lakes are full. Mark's pond overflow was spilling so loudly it sounded like a big water fall. I hiked down for a few pictures of this impressive amount of water being shot into the air.
 Emily helped move in a round bale for Evan and another for the middle paddock. The mares were moved off the field, the ground is just too wet and soppy for grazing.
On Saturday Winston was given a nice warm bath with our new how water dispenser. He was stalled all day Saturday, Saturday night, all day Sunday and was to be stalled until 1:00 pm today as that is when the lady was coming to see this colt. She contacted us on Friday saying she wanted to meet him and if she bonded with him wondered if we would take payments for 3 months. Well  around 1:00 pm today she emailed that she had no business buying a colt and if we still had him when he was grown she would contact us then. I just wish she would have decided that on Saturday BEFORE the bath or Saturday night so he didn't have to stay stalled to stay clean or for that matter any time on Sunday. The work Emily and I did to make sure he was clean and ready for viewing wasn't  easy and wasn't a little thing. That changed my plans for today. Since she wasn't coming Winston, Walter and Whistler were taken out to Middle Grove with Jenis and Soul today. These colts deserve a vacation and since most of the family will be going down to Gulf Shores until Jan 2016 they will not be available to show to anyone. Below these three are enjoying the grass at Middle Grove. Left to right is Winston, Walter and Whistler.
 It didn't take long for Walter to take off running.
I hiked in to check on the herd, they are all doing very well.
Below Soul immediately paired up with her son Ripper who is now a gelding. Ripper at 18 months old is now as tall as his mother and gorgeous. He inherited the Andalusian mop of a mane and tail.
Prissy saw Winston, her son and came galloping up to greet him but he didn't recognize her and took off running with the other 2 colts.
The nice mild weather was changing for the worse, the temperatures were dropping and the wind was picking up so I didn't stay at Middle Grove very long. When I got home the stalls were cleaned a load of laundry done, the pictures downloaded and then a fire started in the wood burner. The house is nice and warm tonight. I'm thankful for living in such a comfortable place.
An update came in from the lady that purchased Lily's 2014 colt by Valiant with a picture. Lisa writes:  
Merry Christmas from balmy Louisiana

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