The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


There wasn't time this morning to work with Valerie before work. She was fed, watered and fussed with a bit but no leading, tying or loading. We have just today to teach her everything she needs to know before she leaves for Idaho tomorrow morning. I wonder if this could be considered a mini-mester for horses. I was hoping to be home early from work today to work with her but that didn't happen, just too much mail. To read about our day at Berean click HERE.
I wasn't able to get home until after 3:00 pm. Mark was called to make sure he would bring the fax of Valerie's health papers for travel. He shocked me when he told me it hadn't come in yet. The vet office was called to remind them we had to have this paper. An hour later it still wasn't there and I was starting to panic thinking I was going to have to drive to Morton to pick it up in person. One more time the vet office was called and this time they got it faxed. Very thankful for technology. After the dogs were let out and cared for I headed right to the barn. Valerie was so happy to see me although she would be happy to see person or horse. She was given a leading lesson, groomed, grained, another leading lesson, a tying lesson, a leading then back up lesson then taken into the arena and tied. After an hour she was leading, backing up when asked and standing still for grooming. She was put in a different stall for the night and her stall cleaned. By this time Mark was home and ready for supper. I'm just too tired to head back out tonight. Maybe the transport company will come a little later in the morning so we can practice loading.

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