The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


The second and final puppy sold tonight. They sure didn't last long once they were ready to go. These puppies are so tiny and so cute I'm really not surprised.
Oksana was covered this morning before the walk. She stood well and it didn't take Evan long to get the job done. Praying she settles, a late foal is better than no foal.
These 2 will produce a gorgeous Friesian foal, with Oksana coming from mega hair Eliza and Evan throwing his mega hair in his foals and both have that huge movement. 
Mark and I will be leaving early tomorrow morning for Nashville. I'm taking the laptop and camera but don't know how much time will be spent on either, I heard they don't have horses at this fancy hotel we will be staying, called the Opryland Resort & Convention Center.
We had an interesting evening at church, a big storm with strong winds and heavy rains started pounding on the church roof as Mike Rieker was speaking. He finished, Tim Roecker got up to have the prayer, prayed to calm the storm and dead silence, the storm really did stop suddenly and didn't start up again until mom and I were safe in the car.

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