The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, November 9, 2015

Passenger Pigeon?

Not in a hurry this morning we did 3 rounds of the walk and before we quit I was already up to 10,000 steps. Nice not to be in a hurry once in a while. I left at 8:30 am to head to Sam's Club where $170.00 worth of groceries and supplies were purchased. Going over the household items that were needed and making the lists this morning made me think, "does Mark even realize this has to be done?"
As I was unloading the groceries the weanlings were playing biting each other, then running back and forth, then back to biting each other. I had to stop and pull out the camera. They all lined up for the picture looking like little angels but it wasn't long before they started back in.

They were entertaining but Evan was too even though he was just grazing. A bird landed on his rump then hopped all the way along his back to his neck before falling off.

He paid no attention to the silly thing. We would call it a passenger pigeon except it was really a Starling that is in the middle of a molt. Once the bird flew off it was back to emptying the car of groceries and once that was done it was time to start cooking. I got the meal assembled in the crock pot and that started before heading up to the barn. Jamie and Ellie arrived a little after 1:00 pm for the trip to Middle Grove. We were able to drive back to the horses there making everything easy.
 They were immediately surrounded by these wild horses all asking for attention.
 Below is Valerie coming up to meet Jamie. Valerie is 3 months and 13 days old and just huge!
 Below Zachery (Jewel's colt) is asking for attention from Ellie.
The 2 horses I was a little worried about were Eliza and Zalena, they are pictured below and both are doing well. I decided they can stay out there for a couple weeks. I'll bring them in around Thanksgiving as there will be a lot of company here then. Eliza is due May 30th, 2016
 Zalena is looking pretty heavy in foal due April 29th, 2016
Karin and Studly arrived, Ayanna went right up to her for a treat, once the horse does a trick, Karin rewards with a treat. Ayanna is also pretty heavy in foal and not due until April 17th, 2016
Once the horses were checked over Karin and I brought Marika and her colt to the trailer while Jamie and Ellie brought Jewel and her colt.
All 4 loaded up fine and we were on our way back to Hanna City. This evening was the wedding shower for Tristan and Larissa. Mom, Joan and I were the only ones from out here that went but the shower was well attended. Home now and that bed is going to feel great tonight.

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