The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Howling

With Rachel in Ireland our walk was much slower than it has been in the past. We were very glad when she sent an update.  Rachel writes:  after about 20 hrs of travel we reached our Apt in Dublin, we were tired but want to adjust as quickly so we went exploring. As of right now we've been going for about 36 hours on a few cat naps. We just had an amazing experience listening to a song service at 5:30 put on by the youth and young men's choir. I've never heard music like this before!! The sound was unreal!!! Sadly, they don't allow anyone to video it 
frown emoticon As I write this the bells are ringing right outside our balcony door. and now...sleep! 

This sounds like a trip of a lifetime for them. 
I left for work at 8:15 am in order to arrive before 9:00 am but with the repair work on 474 didn't make it until just after 9:00 am. Eva Jean and Shirley had already arrived and were waiting. Eva Jean was put to work opening mail but Shirley was given an errand to run. We were out of bottled water at the Berean office and the water here is not drinkable so Shirley was kind enough to go pick up 4 cases of water for the office. The rest of the volunteers arrived shortly and all went right to work. If you would like to see pictures and read of our day at Bereans click HERE
I had to go to Diane's office this afternoon to do the dreaded Horsemeister books. It didn't seem as bad this week, even with me not keeping very good records we were able to finish and balance everything pretty quickly. Mark fed the foals this evening as I had an errand in town. When I got back we did our Colossians Bible study together. We finished up to howling. The coyotes are out in force tonight howling, yipping and every once in a while a scream from some animal. It almost sounds like we are living in a horror movie.

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