The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dry No More

We are having a gentle soaking rain all day thanks to Patricia. Who would have thought this category 5 hurricane that hit Mexico from the Pacific, would travel up the gulf all the way to Illinois. The ground was so dry that even though it is a cold rain we are grateful.
I had to take the truck in to Meister's today so Mark could bring Bibles to the Berean office. He gave me his van to take to Berean where a surprise was waiting. If you would like to see pictures and read about this big surprise click HERE.
We had a really fun productive day there. A big thank you to those wonderful volunteers who show up and start working.
We were done by 1:00 pm. I drove the van back down to the shop then followed Mark to Byerline Garage to get the truck wiring looked at. The right blinker wasn't working. Mom picked me up at the shop to give me a ride home.
This afternoon was Darcy's doctor appointment to draw more blood and find out if the fluids we were giving her was helping her kidney's to start working. Rhoda met us there.
Darcy is always glad to see her even if it is at the dreaded vet's office. Above she is actually trying to sit on Rhoda's lap. Darcy had lost 3 pounds since last week, not a good sign, and the blood work came back a little discouraging. The numbers were down a bit but not by as much as hoped for. She was taken home and given 5000 units of IV fluids this evening. Tonight's not going to be a good sleeping night, this dog is going to have to go outside numerous times with all that fluid slowly being absorbed. As soon as the urine culture comes back we will know what kind of antibiotic to start her on.

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