The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I discovered an unauthorized withdrawal on our CEFCU account this morning. Tracking it down found that it came from my paypal account which had been hacked. Thankfully it was only $31.99 and the paypal people reversed the payment and refunded the money but it took at least an hour to change the email addresses and passwords to everything. It sure seems like there should be an easier way to stop bad people from stealing good people's identity, like maybe inserting a chip or a bar on our forehead or the back of the hand. Then maybe making law that no one can buy or sell without this chip. I remember when I was 16 years old (a long long time ago) we were learning about the end times and we all thought why would anyone submit to inserting a mark on their forehead or hand. Well the technology is now in place. We already are required to microchip our Friesian horses and it is strongly recommend we microchip our dogs. It won't be long now... maybe happening even before I reach the 3 score and 10. Are we ready? Is this one of the reasons the Midwest Food Bank is now in place, to feed not just the poor but those who refuse to take the mark?
Speaking of the Midwest Food Bank, Horsemeister was asked to donate something for their auction coming up in October. After talking it over with Emily this is what we decided to do, we made up the flyer below and will send this to the auction:
Friesian Fever Photos
The bearer of this certificate will receive a riding lesson on our Star Friesian mare Jenis at the Horsemeister farm in Hanna City, IL given by Emily Ricketts.
This lesson will be photographed and the pictures will be placed on a cd
Friesians are a rare breed of horses originating from Holland. They were almost extinct in the early 1900s. They are the horse of kings, usually preferred by knights to ride into battle as they are big, strong and athletic enough to carry the knight with his heavy armor or rescue a damsel in distress.
We are not sure what kind of donation this will bring but at least we can do something. The Midwest Food Bank is an amazing charity and one worth supporting. 

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