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Monday, September 14, 2015

Disappointing Vet Visit

Dr. Hoerr arrived just before 9:00 am and today was disappointing. Whitney was sonagrammed first and she did not settle. She was bred to Valiant once he got the all clear from his bout with West Nile. We know we caught her at the correct time so wonder if poor Valiant wasn't really all healed. We will just have to try again except she had already ovulated which means she will be here for 3 more weeks. We had Dr. Hoerr draw blood for a coggins on Valerie, her filly as she will be traveling to Idaho at weaning. Serenity was another disappointment. Not only did she not settle, she probably wasn't cycling the last time and is still not cycling. Her ovaries are small and do not look like they have ever cycled. She is a 9 year old mare. What in the world would she have been given before we owned he? The previous owners said she was terrible when in season and kept giving her all kinds of drugs. I'm wondering if one of her owners gave her the 5 year shot? If there is such a thing for mares. Emma had ovulated probably a week or so ago. We won't be able to check for pregnancy for another 2 weeks.
After that disappointing morning I was glad when Anna dropped off Taegan and Kensley. Someone to play with and forget all the horses for a few hours. We had a ball at the playground. The weather was cool but sunny until it became hot which just happened to be nap time anyway. Below are a few pictures.

Ebby came running over when she heard the girls carrying a stick in her mouth that looked like she was smoking a big fat cigar. 
 She ran right over to Kensley

When the day started heating up, we took the golf cart over to check on the horses. 
 I found out pretty quickly it was nap time. 
Both girls took a nice nap but just about the time they were due to wake up I started hearing frantic neighing. Never a good sign on a horse farm. I slipped outside to see the middle paddock horses all galloping around the yards. Kensley was awake by then so she was grabbed and off we went to catch horses. They all ended up in the big field but destroyed the electric fence trying to get in. After a quick temporary fix I ran back to the house to check on Taegan but she met me at the drive, very happy to see me. She was told to get on the golf cart and off we went to make the temporary fix a bit more permanent. When Mark got home he knew where an extra electric fence handle was then after dinner that was fixed. Rosalie and Jurista were put back in the middle paddock and the gate put back in place. Emma was pulled out to grain since the other mares now in the big field do not need grain. 
Karin went to Middle Grove to work horses and check on Bunni. Diane mentioned Bunni tripped a few times on the trail ride Saturday and when the herd came galloping up I noticed something not right with Bunni's movement but it wasn't bad enough to know she was lame, it was more like she had a roughness instead of the usual Tennessee Walker smoothness. Karin said her right front leg was a bit swollen with some heat. She will be rested then checked again to see if we need to bring her in for more treatment. The other mare Karin said needs attention is Ribbon. She has lost weight at Middle Grove nursing her big filly. We will need to bring in the foals for weaning soon. Prissy's colt, Sangria's colt, Sheena's colt, Ribbon's filly, Zalena's filly and Emma's colt are now all old enough to wean. I'm going to need some help with this project.

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