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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Lily's Colt by Valiant

Mark helped this morning. The only way to get everything done today that needed to be done was to get out to the barn at 6:15 am. The owner of Lily's colt wanted to see updated pictures and a short video so Mark came to the outdoor arena and snapped the whip with the short video below.
This video had to be short enough to email but still show this colt's movement. I think we did reasonably well given that criteria. Below are a few pictures taken after the video was done.
He is impressive for a 4 month old colt. His owner saw the pictures and video and sent back an email saying he can be here this week to pick him up. Tomorrow morning Emily is going to help get a video of Jewel's colt by Evan. The lady that bought his full sister last year is interested in purchasing him if he has the same amazing movement.
I was only able to do one round of the walk to make it to the Berean office by 9:00 am. We had a great day there. Eva Jean pulled up, opened her car door and hauled out a brand new office chair with HER name on it. She looked a little sheepish explaining she needed something a little taller without arms. 
Joan brought Mackenson, Faith, Berlica, Aubrey and Ava while Marie brought Matthew, Megan, Justin and Timothy. Wayne brought a pallet of Bibles over with the fork lift and these kids hauled the entire pallet load into the office then with Marie's help stuffed, wrapped, labeled, stamped and loaded hundreds of Bibles into Joan's van. Below they are unloading the pallet.

 Below they got an assembly line going for the wrapping of Bibles. 
 Aubrey and Berlica were put to work stamping envelopes.
 Below not seen is Justin folding, Matthew is stuffing, Timothy is wrapping, Ava and Faith are placing them back in the box once they are labeled and stamped. There is a job for everyone.
The kids were having a good time working together. In the other room Joan and I were working on the computers, mom, Kathy and Dave were reading letters, while Jeanette, Jan, Shirley and Eva Jean were opening studies. 

 Jeanette is probably our most enthusiastic volunteer. Each time she opens or finds something special she makes sure to show us. We love her enthusiasm for this prison program.
Chuck arrived a bit late and walked in to a room full of laughter, not just quiet giggles this room was filled with the side ache full scale belly laughter. The roar of laughter coming out of the adult room was even drowning out the noise from the kid's room. And yet the work went on. We had a lot of mail and didn't finish stuffing the studies until after 2:00 pm but thankfully most of the volunteers stayed almost the entire time. 
This evening while feeding Ella was checked on and she now has milk instead of colostrum. Chloe the cow and her calf were moved into another stall so Ella could be put in the stall with the monitor. I'm too tired to test her but will check a few times during the night. Tomorrow I'll test her milk to see how close she is but she isn't due until August 29th. Ella is the last mare to foal for 2015. We will a nice long rest during our 6 month break before our next foaling season.

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