The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Vet Visit

Becca and I had a busy day yesterday after that early birth of Eliza's colt. We had both stayed up until the colt was born, waited to leave until he was standing and rooting then went to bed. At 3:00 am the monitor wasn't working again so the golf cart was taken back up to the barn to restart it and the colt checked. I wasn't sure if he had nursed but after working with him just a few minutes I saw him latch on and felt I could go back to bed. A good 3 hours later it was hard to get back out of that bed but other horses were waiting for their meals. The walkers had to take a detour to stop in and see this new colt. It started raining after the walk and didn't quit all day. Dr. Hoerr was scheduled to come out to ultrasound Kenzie, remove wolf teeth from Rosalie, check to see if Soul had wolf teeth and remove them and draw blood for a coggins test on Piper. Well by 8:30 am Eliza still hadn't dropped the placenta so the vet clinic was called to say even if Dr. Hoerr has no time to do the rest Eliza must be treated for a retained placenta. Thankfully Dr. Hoerr had enough time to do everything needed plus. Blood was drawn from Piper, Kenzie was sonagrammed next and her owner was sent the text, "PREGNANT!" Oksana was next, she will be ready to cover in 3 days. Serenity was the 3rd horse sonagrammed and she was a real disappointment. She is still not cycling. She is a Raven daughter we acquired that had been put on drugs to keep her from cycling as the owner said she was very marish. We discussed what we should do with her and decided to send her out to Middle Grove until August. Karin can keep working her there and it will give her time to fatten up on the good lush grass.
Indy was brought in to see where she is with her cycle and we found she had ovulated on Thursday. That was another bummer, I never saw her come in, she has silent heats, but at least we can write that down and then bring her back for another ultrasound in 16 days to see when would be the best time to cover her.
The next job was to remove the placenta from Eliza. That was not easy but the job was done in less than an hour. The last job was the teeth. Since I wasn't needed to hold horses I could take a few pictures.
 Above and below Dr. Hoerr is removing the wolf teeth from Soul while Becca and Justin Fehr (a soon to be vet in his 3rd year of vet school at U of I) watches and learns.

 Above Becca is holding Soul's removed tooth while below Dr. Hoerr extracts the second.

 Rosalie was next, above Justin and Becca are reaching in to feel the problem tooth and below Dr. Hoerr is removing one of them. 
 Rosalie is a 2 year old Raven daughter out of Lily. Below Becca is holding one of Rosalie's now extracted wolf teeth. 
Dr. Hoerr and Justin left at noon. Becca helped put all the horses back then fed, watered and cleaned stalls while I went in to prepare the food for potluck. Karin arrived and even though it was still raining decided to work horses. She was able to work Lola, Serenity, Piper and Rosalie. No bit on Rosalie but she got round penned and did excellent. Karin said every horse improved even though the rain was pounding on the metal roof they all payed attention and progressed from her last session. Mark came home a bit early to help with potluck. We hosted this at mom's house as ours is just a little too small. Mom had her house all ready with the table set.  As mom's table can sit 13 we asked Karin to stay and enjoy the meal too. Potluck was a lot of fun. Eddie and Christa were the first to arrive followed by Eva Jean, Irma and Sherry. Bob and Myrna and Roger and Melanie finished out the group. We had a delicious meal and excellent fellowship. A special thanks to mom for lending out her house.

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