The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Goose Ranch

I was suppose to pull out at 9:00 am this morning to haul 4 horses to Middle Grove, drop those off, load Missy & Cookie and be at the Giant Goose Ranch at 10:00 am but it didn't happen.
We got up early but just didn't get everything done in time. The laundry had to be done, at least one load washed and dried first because my mom says clean clothes need to be worn in public.
Mark wanted to get the big bush hog mower attached to the Kubota and once that was done wanted to sharpen the blades. He needed me to use the skid steer to hold up the mower so he could crawl under and sharpen but once the bucket is lifted the skid steer operator cannot exit the machine so I knew I would be stuck inside for 15-20 minutes and asked him to wait until I could change the laundry machines again and get Eliza teased and covered. Evan took much longer than usual. I think he is getting tired of this job that has been going on day after day. I would like to give him a break but every mare in season is related to Valiant so Evan must be used. Finally everything was done enough to load and leave. Sarah helped get Piper, Lola, Ayanna and Jenis loaded. Karin met me at the gate with Cookie and Missy already tacked up so as soon as my 4 were unloaded she loaded up those 2 and off we went to the Goose Ranch. The Goose Ranch has changed since the last time we were there, Karin was the navigator but once we were inside we were lost for about 15 minutes. We finally got to the horse area almost a half hour late and the kids were anxiously waiting. Below are a few pictures of the day.

There are a lot more pictures that were placed on the Horsemeister Inc Facebook page.
 We had a lot of happy children and even some adults take turns. Missy really wanted to roll so Karin took her tack off and asked her to lay down. Karin has Missy so well trained that once she asks her to lay down Missy won't get up until Karin asks her to. She will let the kids climb on her. She enjoyed grazing while laying there.
This was a fund raiser for Camp Big Sky. The Goose Ranch held a fishing tournament also but we were so busy I didn't get any pictures of that part of the activities. The place was pretty packed.
We weren't home long before we had to clean up and leave for Hannah's play which was held at Bradley in the Dingledine Music Center. The home schooling co-op did Gilbert and Sullivan's Gondoliers. Those high school students really have a lot of talent.  The play was entertaining and we had an enjoyable evening. Hannah had a few solo parts and was fun to watch. She is just so expressive.

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