The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Foal Watch

On our walk today Rachel veered off the beaten path to show us a prize.
Just check out the size of this mushroom. This morning the Andalusian mares were moved over to the breeding shed, Emma was put in with Eliza, Zalena and Ribbon and the 2 mares with new foals were taken to the cabin field where they had a blast. Sangria's  3 day old colt was jumping for joy at being out of the stall.
 He was very curious about his half brother and almost got close enough to sniff before Sheena chased him off but then he went over to check out the stump and of course had to jump that.

 Meanwhile Sheena's 2 day old colt was staying close to his mom watching the antics.
Once I knew the mares would be fine with the foals I left for work. It took until 1:00 pm to get all the letters from yesterday entered and the Bible labels printed for tomorrow's crew. Karin agreed to meet me at Middle Grove to drop off Lily, her colt, Prissy and her colt. I wasn't sure how the foals would load but all went perfect. There was no drama at all. Once back from Middle Grove I went to pull Ayanna out for teasing, started taking her through the gate when another Ayanna walked up and got in the way of the gate. Imagine my surprise that I really had Rosalie her 2 year old sister. They really do look alike. Ayanna was still in and covered by Evan. Jenis was moved into the field with Indy and her filly so Indy doesn't have to be alone. We are still waiting for her to come in season. Zalena and Eliza were close to the fence as I was heading in to make dinner so I took a quick trip into the field to check their udders and saw dripping milk on both of them. Mark helped get the stalls ready by bringing in their hay and filling water buckets while I brought them in. I had just told Diane that for the first time in months I wasn't going to have any mares in a stall and now I have 2.
We picked mom and Ruth up for church. David Obgerfel had the service. Amazing how each time I've been praying about something the answer is so clear once the message starts.
After church the mares were both tested and both are testing right at 250. That gives us a better than 50/50 chance of a foal or foals tonight. I guess I'll sleep by the computer with the monitor on.

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