The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Working Hard

We had a very busy day at Berean, Diane estimated 550 letters and studies came in today and all had to be opened and processed. We only had until noon before we lost her but thankfully some of the other volunteers stayed until the bitter end. We mailed out 390 Bibles today. By the time Mark was done loading my car it was stuffed full.
 Above Diane is opening the mail before the rest arrived and below everyone just goes straight to work. Kathy and Dave read the letters while Shirley and Eva Jean open the studies. Emily is at one computer entering the studies while I am at the other computer.
 Rhoda is busy putting labels on the envelopes as soon as Emily and I print them out. This was Rhoda's last day to join us down at Berean. At least for a while. She gets married on Saturday and will be moving to Bloomington, IL.

 Above and Below Jan and Joyce are busy at work opening more of the studies. We had a huge mail day and ran out of space so moved the 2 J ladies in the conference room.
 Below Diane is labeling the Bibles to go out, check out the blur at her hands, they were moving so fast it was hard to get a decent picture.
We were all tired by the time we were done and heading home.
Once home  from work. Indy's filly was brought into a stall for treatment. She had diarrhea yesterday and was given a dose of Bio Sponge which is suppose to help but while watching her it was obvious she is still having diarrhea and was given the last of the medicine. I may be driving to Morton tomorrow to pick up another tube if she isn't better tomorrow.
Anna was teased and thankfully she said no. It has been 19 days since she was covered by Valiant. She will need to be teased for the next week just in case.
Lily is huge and looks closer to delivery than Prissy. Hopefully I can get a few pictures tomorrow of the mares Mike brought back yesterday.
I drove to choir tonight picking up Diane, Spark and Rhonda. The sunset was so gorgeous Rhonda wanted to have the car stopped in the middle of the road to take pictures. Hope she shares a few. Choir was good but sad too. At half time Rich stood up to ask for prayers for Aaron and the rest of his family.

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