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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Freezing Practices

The walk was cancelled again with the temperature below zero. At least the wind wasn't blowing too hard. I drove in early to pick up the mail before the Berean volunteers arrived. Below Diane is opening more of the plastic sleeves we use to mail out the Bibles.
 Rachel is opening and reading letters
 Eva Jean is opening the studies
 Rhoda is also opening the studies
Below Diane R and Rachel busy reading letters.
 Below Lisa's boys are busy stamping our return address on thousands of envelopes. This is one job that we never have finished. We use close to 1000 each Tuesday and Wednesday.

 We had a good crew today and were able to finish everything by 2:00 pm. Below everyone is working hard a very necessary job.

 My cousin Dave Meister III (Skip) arrived so we showed him what our volunteers were busy with today. Skip is also on the Berean board. Below the workers in the conference room were busy putting stamps on the studies. That pile of studies on the table was just 2 days of mail.

 By 2:00 pm we were all ready to quit. Mark came with me to the post office to help with the Bible boxes. This week we got out 285 Bibles from our office alone.  Peoria County Jail, Tazewell County Jail, Sheridan Correctional facility plus a bunch more jails in prisons all over the United States take these Bibles and give them to prisoners. The number going out of Berean is probably more than 2000 a month but it is hard to know the exact count.  I brought home lots of entertaining letters and will post a few on the Berean blog this evening. Even though it was freezing cold the vaulting practice and Friesian demo practice was held. We are running out of time for practices, the IL Horse Fair is in 2 weeks. Below the vaulters are lining up ready to start.
 The next couple pictures of a few of the moves this year. I'm not posting much, don't want to spoil it for those people going to the fair.

 The Friesian demo practice was next and again I'm posting just a couple pictures of our Maleficent.

After practice Rachel invited everyone over for hot tubbing and hot soup. That was a perfect ending to a freezing cold day.

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