The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Willing Workers

We are having above normal temperatures, just no sun for the last few days. Today we reached the high 30s but most of the time was spitting a damp cold mist.
We had a lot of mail today and not a huge group of helpers but the volunteers we had were all good workers and we were able to finish by noon. Below Eva Jean starts right to work on opening the piles.
 Emily is entering the studies on the computer while Eva Jean opens the studies. Diane and Rachel are reading letters. Diane R came just a bit later and took Diane H's job on reading letters so Diane could work on labeling the studies with Maddi.
 Aunt Bernie was called for more Bible stamps, she ran them down here then took home another big box of studies for her grand daughter to grade.
 Below Emily, Wesley and Dillon are holding the labels for the Bibles. They got right to work and were almost able to finish. We were 16 Bibles short. Sixteen prisoners are not going to get their much anticipated Bible this week.
 Below the 2 Dianes are sitting on one side of the table stamping envelopes while Maddi, Eva Jean and Rachel are stuffing envelopes.
We decided to eat at Tyroni's in Bartonville after taking the Bibles to the post office there. After lunch I picked up a few groceries at Sams for the bus trip tomorrow and when I got back to the farm Karin was already here cleaning up the arena and getting Darryl the barrel moved out of the stall into the arena. The IL Horse Fair release forms were printed off and given to Emily to get the vaulter's parents to sign. We still need to get the Friesian riders to sign. Our exciting news is Emily has entered Killian in the Liberty class at the IL Horse Fair.
She is going to have Rebekah help with the music for that. Killian is such a goofy horse. He likes having braids, he swings his head from side to side to make them swing, much like a blond with lots of hair.
Anna's colt is doing wonderful. All the vaulters came in to see him and pet him today. They marveled at his thick winter coat. Isn't it amazing how a foal in the winter is born with a thick warm coat. His coat feels like thick plush velvet.
I'm heading to bed, we are leaving for a cruise tomorrow morning early.

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