The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, January 10, 2015

43 Bales

Diane and Mike are serving lunch tomorrow at church. Rhoda, mom, Sarah and I drove in to Peoria to help Diane with the set up. Diane left at 8:30 am to visit 4 different stores to buy the goodies then met us at 11:00 am. By noon we had finished the set up. Many hands really do make light work.
Rhoda had to be at the Emergency Vet Clinic where she works at noon so Diane took us all home. This afternoon Mark and I had to move wood from the lean to onto the front porch to prepare for the next two weeks of winter. Once the porch was full Mark replaced the bucket on the skid steer with the bale spear and moved 2 new bales in, one for Ribbon and one in the middle paddock.
Chuck, Mike and Emily worked on moving bales over to the Middle Grove pasture. We now have 43 bales left there. We had 66 were down to 8 and moved 35 today. We have been going through a bale a day there. Emily check all of the horses today, all are in good condition with plenty of fat covering their ribs. We still need to move Ayanna and Star back here soon. Star is due in February and Ayanna may be needed for the March show.
Anna is a bit more bagged up than yesterday and seemed more nervous today but no waxing over.
Today was the pancake supper at the fellowship hall, as always it was well attended.

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