The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Cold Rainy Day

At 6:15 am we heard a crack of thunder but the rain hadn't started yet giving me just enough time to get Bella's stall cleaned and the stalled horses fed and watered. The other horses were all skipped as the cold rain started splattering against my exposed face. And to think this is only the middle of September. The cold wet 42 degrees is hard to take when our usual high would be 80 degrees. The rain stopped in time for the walk. Diane, Mom and I started walking and didn't even get one round done before the rain started up again so instead of finishing the walk in the rain we stopped at mom's and she cooked a great breakfast for us with her farm fresh brown eggs, crispy bacon, rye toast fresh squeezed orange juice and of course coffee.
Today was a good day to work inside on laundry and read while waiting for the machines. We had a break in the rain long enough to get the other horses fed their grain around 11:00. That break didn't last more than a few minutes before the sound of rain drops hitting the metal roof could be heard again.
Finally this evening the storm moved on and the sun came out. Bella and her colt were thrilled to get out of the stall. She was taken over to Evan teased and covered then left in a paddock with hay and grain for the night. She showed off her beautiful movement. The video was taken a couple years ago but she hasn't lost her pizzazz.

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