The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pleasant Pastures

The weather today was just about as perfect as it could be, low humidity and temps hovering around 78 degrees with bright sunshine. For the first time all 7 mares and 7 foals were let out into the field together to graze. The big kids (Zalena and Eliza's foals) were very curious about the little kids.
 In the picture above Eliza and Zalena are down in a dip, most of the foals are laying down resting in the soft thick grass while their mom's are busy chomping away at the delicious sweet fresh greens.

Lola and Jewel both showed today. As Emily is gone with a broken wrist Diane stepped in to help with the breedings. Lola was covered by Valiant while Jewel was covered by Evan. Their babies are just 1 day apart, if they both get pregnant on this heat the next 2 should also come around the same time.
Diane and Mike have 4 guests staying at their house for a few days. Mike is busy saddling up Sally, Jenis, Cookie and Missy for an evening trail ride.
Mark is out weed whacking the fenceline. Sarah's car was repaired by Jacob Meister, it turns out her alternator was bad.
Karin took Ribbon to over to the Rainbow Rider camp today where she taught 16 kids and 1 counselor how to canter. Karin said, "Ribbon is worth her weight in gold!" Makes me wonder exactly how much would 2000 pounds worth of gold be?
The handy dandy golf cart died this evening. It won't even accept a charge so something must have been knocked loose. I'll have to see about asking Dan to stop in. The feeding was done tonight by carrying the heavy grain buckets.
A few pictures came in today from Mikayla Cooksey of her Raven daughter Avalon and Avalon's son by Evan.

There is a funny story about Avalon's son by Evan. When Alicia brought Avalon over to breed to Evan she told us right away, "the foal is named Trailer!" They decided even before conception this foal must be sold to replace their old trailer. So Avalon delivers that gorgeous boy in the 2 pictures above and I never see any ads that they are trying to sell him. The next time I saw Alicia I asked her if they had any ads out and guess what? She cannot bring herself to sell him. She told me he is just amazing and they would probably never be able to afford to buy something of his quality so she can't part with him. I don't think they even kept the name trailer!

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