The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


We had an extremely busy day at Meisters. There were 9 volunteers all hard at work when Ken Hoerr walked in to see how and what we actually do. Spark took him down to the warehouse to show him our old cramped office. Mom, Diane, David, Kathy and Dakota worked right through lunch, they finished up the letters and were just leaving for the post office as we were pulling in from lunch. Rhoda, Eva Jean and I stayed until the studies were finished and the rest of the Bibles loaded into my car.
It was very hot outside by the time I arrived home. I put the 3 mares with the 3 youngest foals in the stall barn. When Mark got home from work it had cooled down a bit, he wanted to fill the weed sprayer and spray around the barns and house while I went to let the mares out of the barn. Ayanna and Marika were not in the pond pasture, they were standing in the indoor arena with both of their foals sound asleep on the arena floor. All the gates were checked and all of them were still shut and locked. How those 2 mares and those 2 foals ended up out of the pasture and in the barn is a mystery.

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