The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, June 8, 2014


I have so much to be thankful for, too many blessings to count. Amazing to think Heaven is even better. We had a wonderful day in church. Ken Hoerr had the first service and Dave Obgerfel the afternoon. I'm going to sign up for cds of both of them. I should have signed up before leaving church but we had someone coming to look at Sunny so felt I should get right home.
When we arrived the church clothes were changed quickly so I could check on Ayanna's filly. Karin was there playing with her. She was willing to lead Ayanna and the filly outside so I could get a few pictures for the website.

She is just perfect, Ayanna thinks so too, the other mares were all curious but when they tried to check her out over the fence Ayanna gave them the evil eye.
The next mare due to foal is Marika but I wouldn't be surprised if Lola ends up giving birth first. We will be bringing Lola home soon. Zalena is now out, Eliza is still showing but won't be covered today. I'll check her first thing tomorrow morning. Emily is on vacation this week so I'll have to pick up her work load.
Karin, Kathy and Hannah took Ribbon, Sunny and Misty on the death trails this afternoon. We had close to 4 inches of rain last night and the trails were not in the best shape. They should have stuck to the easy trails.

Mark grilled kabobs for dinner. The volley ball players showed up but with Emily gone, the feeding and stall cleaning fell on me. I think I'll have an early night.

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