The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lily Out Sangria In

As soon as it was light enough to see this morning I hiked up to the barn to check on Eliza. No baby so she was put out in the pond pasture with the rest of the horses. The stall was cleaned and prepared for tonight. Mark, mom and I left early this morning to eat at Wild Berries before church. Mom was shocked at the huge portions. Church was great as usual. We sure have a wonderful church family and sure enjoy visiting with everyone over the lunch hour. Tim Funk had the morning service and Tim Roecker had the afternoon.
As soon as we were home from church Eliza was checked on and a few pictures taken before the volley ball players showed up. The horses look like they are smelling the flowers in the picture below. Each horse had his or her head buried in the grass munching away.
The mares in the front pasture saw me coming and came up for attention.
 Holly and her filly took off at a gallop running up to the waterer and back for the shear joy of running.
Rhoda and Darcy had walked over to the tramp, Rhoda to lay on the tramp and Darcy under it. Rhoda popped her head up and the static had her hair flying.
Darcy loves to swim and also loves to fetch sticks. Well the stick she found today was a little too much but she found a way to get it out of the water.
After the swim both Emma and Darcy needed a bath. Emma found a dead fish to roll around on and shared it with Darcy. Amy Koch stopped in for a very short visit just as I was heading in to Peoria to pick up some supper. The volley ball players arrived for the usual Sunday night volley ball. I only snapped a few pictures of the players as we needed to leave for hymn sing. There were little kids galore playing on the playground.

When mom came out of the house, Heidi who had been sitting quietly decided to pick on Studly and of course Ebby joins right in. It is all noise but still annoying.

Mom drove to hymn sing and we arrived just in time. Rhoda's Sunday school class sang tonight along with Goodfield's choir. We had a nice time. When I arrived home, Eliza was stalled and tested. She is testing at 250, so I'm not spending the night at the barn. Hopefully she will hold off until tomorrow. Lily was teased and is now out but Sangria started to show. We are going to try to breed her to Killian this time. Not sure if he is mature enough yet but I would like to try. 
A very nice update came today from Jenni Moser. She has a Raven son named Palmer she showed today at the horse show at the Heart of IL Arena. She posted this picture of her on Palmer and Jamie on her Raven daughter Myrrhcedes:
Jenni writes: Judy, we had a blast! Jamie came in 2nd in the adult pole bending and I came in 3rd!!!  there were at least 15 horses in the class!!! We are so blessed. In fact, Will said today that Palmer did amazing. He was so well mannered, calm and did great in the ring. Love him so!!  Congratulations to both Jenni and Jamie! I love seeing pictures of happy owners enjoying their wonderful sons and daughters of our stallions. Jamie writes she got a blue in barrels, a blue in halter, a red in pole bending and a 4th. Who said Friesian's can't perform!

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