The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Sunny was the hero on the trail ride yesterday. He was the only horse willing to start over a very rickety wooden bridge. Sunny is such a sensible fellow. He also happens to be for sale. Below are a few pictures of Sunny on the trail ride yesterday at Jubilee State Forest.

He is one of the taller Haflingers, and quite stocky. But that doesn't seem to slow him down, he won all the races yesterday too. Sunny is also trained to jump and does amazing at that. Rhoda is going to bring him over to the Horsemeister farm for a video of him riding and jumping in the arena. All of this and he is also downright gorgeous. Rachel has placed Sunny for sale for only $3500.00. She doesn't know it but this boy is actually worth thousands with his disposition, looks and ability.

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