The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, March 8, 2014


We had a wonderful 2nd day of showing. The rain held off, the crowds were huge with standing room only at times and our performances were great. Amy popped a million or so bags of popcorn while I made a thousand or so cones of cotton candy. Now that may be a slight exaggeration but that's what it felt like. The judging was held at 11:00 and we just had to laugh. They had the Friesians in a Western pleasure class and asked them to jog trot and lope. That just wasn't going to happen. Jessica was the offical Horsemeister photographer and took pictures during the day while I popped. Below Anni, Rhoda, Mitchell and Mikayla are posing for a picture in front of the barn.
The vaulters were on first today. When they entered the arena the crowd became dead silent enthralled with what they were watching. It didn't take long for the applause to start and by the time it was over the cheers rocked the building.

A few of the vaulting pictures are posted here the rest will be placed on the Horsemeister Inc Facebook page tomorrow.  We were so proud of them.
When the box for the Friesians arrived in the arena the standing room only crowd was confused,

 then Ella pony and Cinderella entered the arena when it was suppose to be the Friesian demo and chasing her was the evil queen stepmother Karin.
Becca Watson as the fairy godmother came dancing out of the box and waved her wand over Cinderella.
Cinderella rode Ella pony into the box.
 The gorgeous Horsemeister girls along with Prince charming then entered the arena and danced for the crowd.
 Above is Anni on Anna and Mikayla on Zalena below is Rhoda on Evan.

 Above is Bethany on Eliza and Mitchell on Jenis looking for a dancing partner.
 Cinderella comes out of the box on Killian and the prince and her go dancing around the arena.
 The clock starts to strike, Emily throws the slipper into the air and returns to the box. Prince charming rides around the arena looking for the girl that would fit the slipper.
 The gorgeous girls of Horsemeister start yelling, "it's MINE, YooHoo, give it here."
 Cinderella escapes the box to try on the slipper.
When it fits those 2 bow to the crowd while the gorgeous girls leave weeping.
 It was a very entertaining performance that had the audiance booing the evil queen, laughing at the girls and cheering the prince and Cinderella.
Stallion Row was next and Rhoda had a wonderful performance with Evan.

The end of the day came at 7:45 pm Where Rhoda and Evan joined the other stallions in the coliseum for the East meets West. He was such a show off, bowing, laying down then sitting for the audience.

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