The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, February 17, 2014

More Snow

The snow was falling first then a bit of rain that quickly turned to ice pellets then snow pellets and finally back to snow leaving behind 4 inches of very wet heavy snow that must be shoveled and plowed. We sure have had the snow this year!
Diane sent the pictures below of their ride yesterday checking fences at Middle Grove. They were in fields of untouched deep snow. Diane is riding Bunni and Mike is on Mika.

Today no one was riding horses they were all riding skis or snowboards. They took Ruth's motor home up to Sundown for the day and haven't made it back yet.
Since I couldn't go I made a video of Emma and the puppies and posted it on the Horsemeister Facebook page. We were going to try to get individual pictures for owners but there wasn't anyone to help.
Mark didn't get home until after 5:00 pm from work and had most of a days work waiting for him. We needed to move 3 bales in but the snow was too deep in front of the gates and had to be plowed first. Valiant got a new bale and the middle paddock got 2 new bales. Evan will need a new one tomorrow or I could get the waterer working in his old paddock and move him back as that has hay which may be easier. I'll figure that one out tomorrow. Once the bales were moved the bucket was put back on and Mark started plowing the drives here plowing well into the dark but he got it done.

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