The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

To Serve

It truly is an honor to serve. Today Diane opened one of the nicest letters we have ever received at Berean Prison Ministry. It almost made the morning worth working overtime to have Diane read it to us.  Diane serves by giving her time to read the letters and make the thousands of copies needed to keep this program going with a temperamental machine, Eva Jean serves by giving her time to open letters, process studies, stuff lessons, deliver the studies to the graders then mail out the hundreds each week. We had an unexpected visitor show up today in our office. The phone camera was taken out for the picture but the bird wouldn't hold still enough for the camera on the phone to focus. The poor thing probably came in to warm up a bit.
Speaking of warming  up we walked out the door at 12:40pm and all of us said, "it's warm!" It just happened to be 5 degrees outside, funny how above zero feels warm after living with below zero for a while. I think it made it up to 10 degrees today. David and Stephanie met us for lunch at Denny's and brought Israel with them. The phone camera worked just fine there. It probably just wasn't warm enough at work to work properly.
It was our turn to serve lunch at choir tonight so after work Diane and I stopped at Sam's Club for a few items. Soup sounded good so a big pot of chicken and rice soup was served along with vegies, dip, grapes, kringle and brownies. Mark is still not feeling well so stayed home but Diane and Rhonda helped with the clean up.

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