The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ice then Snow then COLD

 The picture above was taken about 6:00am the snow was coming down on top of the ice already delivered to our area by a massive storm affecting millions of Americans. The picture below taken as daylight approached. Once the snow leaves the area the temperatures are suppose to drop like a stone.
The ice caused problems last night for Rhoda and Sarah. They were heading back to Princeville from our Sceggel Christmas party in Chillicothe when the car slid into a ditch too deep for the girls to get out. A couple of guys stopped to try to help but even then the car was stuck. The guys offered to take the girls to where they were house sitting and my very trusting naive sweet beautiful girls got in their car! It wasn't much longer before both girls started to become concerned. The rescuers weren't acting quite right. Sarah whispered to Rhoda, "I think they may have been drinking." About that time the guys started in with words like, "you are going to give us beer when we arrive, right?"  God was looking out for them because in a few moments the car started violently sliding and slid off the road slamming into a ditch. The girls got out of the car and started running. They were able to call Gray Horse Farm where Rhoda was house sitting reaching Maddie, Gitza's daughter who very carefully drove and picked them up. Those girls aren't going anywhere today, Sarah's car is still in the ditch in Princeville.
Mark is out shoveling and spreading salt. He feels if we can get out of our driveway we will be able to make it to church.

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