The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


The call went out that world relief needed volunteers to help with the clean up in Washington. Rhoda and Emily took all of Mark's batteries, drills, bits, rakes and other tools and left early this morning to meet at the Washington AC church for line out. They had over 200 people show up and everyone was needed. Rhoda posted the pictures below once they were home.

It is hard to imagine such devastation to that subdivision. I had Braelyn and Taegan today and needed to meet with Sue Martin's vet around 3:30 pm. Rhoda was pretty sure they would be home in time to watch the girls by that time. Not so by the time they arrived home it was pitch dark and they were exhausted. It worked out though, Anna arrived about 15 minutes before the vet arrived giving me enough time to hose off Piper's feet and put her in the indoor. The big doors wouldn't shut and a trench needed to be dug out which was what I did while I was waiting. By the time I quit the doors were able to be slid shut with one hand. It started sleeting then turned to all rain this afternoon. By the end of this week we are suppose to have highs in the teens with lows near single digits. Once the ground freezes there is no easy way to dig the trench so hopefully I can keep it open until after the freeze.
Ken Hoerr had the service tonight on Revelations 10 and 11.

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