The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trail Ride At Sandridge

Even though the temperature was a chilly 42 degrees the sun was shining. The fall colors are so gorgeous right now the riders needed to go trail riding, they needed to go to Sandridge after so much rain. The sandy ground there help with keeping the trails passable and most important open!
Rhoda, Karin, Emily, Sarah and Mike loaded 5 horses in the 4 horse trailer for the trip taking Mika, Bunni, Star, Missy and Cookie. Below they are loaded and heading out.
 Mark took the mower and cart over to Rachel's to dig up some of her excess plants. The picture below was taken this morning coming back from Rachel's. The sun was shining making the burning bush and sunset maples glow. The second load of plants he got from Rhonda.
 We now have tall ornamental grass, hostas and a bunch of other fancy kinds of decorative plants. They may even make it as we are suppose to get a warm spell this week.
The trail ride was a lot of fun, there are a lot of places at Sandridge to race. It sounds like Sarah on Bunni almost beat Mike on Mika. The horses were pretty tired by the time they were done. Below are a few pictures of the ride.

The rest are posted on Facebook. Mike is taking those horses back to Middle Grove. Once the girls were unloaded they ran over to Rachel's to relax in her hot tub then came back here for dinner.

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