The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Room To Ride

Emily, Rhoda and Sarah decided since it was raining out today would be a great day to get the indoor arena ready for the winter. They worked outside most of the morning clearing, cleaning and organizing. Once it was cleared out and watered Emily brought the rake over from the outdoor arena and raked up the indoor.
This looks so good we need 2 pictures. 
We were just finishing up when Dan arrived and FIXED the golf cart. It took him all of 2 minutes. Once the batteries were put back in place the key slot just needed to be turned on. 
We decided the arena needs more rubber footing. I went in to research the best place to buy that and the girls decided the arena looked so nice they may as well try it out. Emily brought in Killian and taught him about the magic box. He got so good at that she could ride him in and ask him to stand. Mike came over to watch a bit and had to try Killian out. Rhoda went to the cabin and brought back Ayanna and Eliza to work them. No pictures, it was too cold to stand around out there and I was so cold I turned the electric throw on to try to warm up before getting ready for church but didn't leave enough time to get my feet warm before it was time to leave.
We had to use mom's car for church, ours is still in the repair shop. Tim Funk had the lesson on Revelation 8 and 9. He asked us, "why do you suppose there was silence for a half hour?" Sure made me think. Does God want to destroy?

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