The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Preparing for Thanksgiving Dinner

Anna came back in season today. We are going to give up on her until next spring then have Dr. Hoerr check her out. It is too cold outside to ask Valiant to cover her. 
Emily helped me move a new bale in Valiant's paddock. Mike got three round bale feeders delivered to Middle Grove and set out three bales of hay. He checked on them yesterday afternoon to find the herd out there had eaten about a 4th of a bale but were all spread out grazing when he arrived. It sure helps the hay bill to have that land. We still spent over $11,000.00 on hay for the year.
Sarah came over this morning to help with the house cleaning while I chopped, mixed, cooked, baked and did laundry. By the time Mark got home from work the turkey was cooked, sliced, de-boned and ready to be heated up for tomorrow's big meal. The gravy is now cooling, The stuffing is mixed and ready to bake. Mom has a special recipe that includes the giblets, sausage, and apple ground up added to sauteed chopped onions and celery and lots of good herbs. Now I know why we only make it once a year. The pies are all baked, 4 pumpkin, 4 pecan and 2 chocolate. We will be celebrating our big Thanksgiving dinner at the Old School Center in Farmington, IL after church. Speaking of church, Spark brought home his 18 passenger van and will be leaving for church at 9:20am anyone needing a ride meet at the playground.

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