The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, November 4, 2013

No Lights

We put off the walk this morning until 8:00am so mom could come along. She has been cooking and taking care of 5 guests from Haiti and they were suppose to be on the road by that time. They left just a little late so we walked just a little later.
Mark and I were suppose to leave for Chicago around 9:30am to look at a used Kubota tractor for sale but the owner called to tell us he had to leave and wouldn't be back until around 3:30pm so left at 1:00pm instead.  We borrowed Sarah's Honda for the drive as our Toyota Matrix started making a funny sound. The tractor was exactly what Mark was hoping for. It is a diesel, has 4 wheel drive and has a quick attach loader. After spending some time talking with the owner we came to an agreement and wrote the check. It will be delivered within a week.
We start the drive home talking about how useful this tractor will be, get on route 17 at dusk when a car comes up behind us and starts flashing it's lights, then zooms around us and flicks it's lights off and on numerous times. We are wondering what they are doing? Mark makes the comment, "they must be trying out their lights." Then a truck comes toward us and starts flashing its lights off and on. It finally clicked that WE are driving without lights. The lights come on automatically on our car, evidently not on Sarah's Honda. Driving down the road at 60 miles an hour trying to figure out how to turn on the lights was harrowing.
Once home we dropped off Sarah's car at the apartment but no girls are in the apartment. We walked over to use the golf cart and it isn't running. The batteries are fully charged but it won't move. Time to call and beg brother Dan to come look at it AGAIN! Too bad he lives in Goodfield, I may have to wait a while to get it fixed this time. We walked home and only Emma comes running out to greet us. Turns out the girls took Darcy over to grandma's house and are playing Mexican Train with her, that's playing with grandma, not Darcy. Darcy I'm sure is just laying around.
Rhoda said Eliza and Anna were worked today and both did really well. She took Eliza on the trails by herself. Emily worked Misty while Sarah used the excuse she was too sore from the trail ride on Saturday to ride so soon.

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