The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Today we got more light in the indoor arena. Mark bought 2 of those T5 which are much brighter than the other lights and both got installed but only because Karin showed up. She was willing to climb the ladder up 16 feet, drill 2 holes for each light, install the hooks and with Sarah's help hang them.

Once they were hung Mark climbed the later and hooked them up.
I've never been able to video tape inside the arena, it was always just too dark to come out clear. Well once these lights were turned on it was no problem. Check out the video below.

Rhoda taught Ayanna to lay down and stay until she gives the cue to come. Karin didn't really believe it until she saw it.  Above is Sarah trying out Ayanna on her tricks. Even the still camera works with action shots. The girls were training Ayanna, Eliza and Killian.
 Above is Rhoda trotting Ayanna and below she is cantering her.

 Above Karin is cantering Eliza and below she is trotting while asking her to bend.

 Sarah is trotting above and cantering below

Rhoda is working with Killian in the pictures below

Killian is doing very well with the sit.
 Rhoda finished up with asking all 3 horses to lead together
 Left to right is Eliza, Ayanna and Killian
Mike replaced the heating element on the automatic waterer and the GFI breaker is now holding. We are now ready for winter. Today it sure felt like winter, the high was only 25 degrees and it is suppose to drop to 7 degrees. Mark kept the wood burner going all day and hauled 2 more wheel barrow loads of wood to the front porch. I'm sure all of that will be used up during this cold spell. I'm so thankful for a hard working husband!
The funniest picture today doesn't look funny until you know the story behind it. Each time the girls allow the horses to rest it is inside the box. Well Ayanna and Eliza were turned loose while Rhoda worked with Killian and both ran inside the box and watched the action.

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