The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Heading to Alabama

Mark helped feed the horses this morning, nice to have a willing helpful husband on a frosty morning. We picked up mom, Ruth and Anni at 8:00am to head to church. Mom was going early to help Beth and Greg as they were serving lunch today while the rest of us had early morning Bible study.
I had a big surprise waiting for me after the study. Gerty and Dennis brought Braelyn and Taegan to Peoria church today. Both girls were glad to see grandma and both grandmas were glad to sit with our shared grand daughters. Funny it actually took both of us to keep them occupied and quiet during both services. Tim Funk had the morning service while Craig Stickling had the afternoon. I will have to get cds of them, I was a little distracted.
After church Spark and Rhonda came walking over, it is their anniversary and they decided to go on a hike around the place. Spark stopped in to see Mark's new tractor while Rhonda came with me to get Anna covered by Valiant. The horses were fed a little early as we needed to be on the road by 4:00pm to pick up Nancy for dinner. Mom, Rhoda, Nancy, Mark and I were going to go to Red Robbin for dinner as we had never been there but the place was packed at 5:00pm on a Sunday evening with a 45 minute wait so we decided to head down the river to Burger Barge.
We has a nice table down by the river with a big gas heater right next to the table. The flame shooting up almost lit up the room enough to see but we still needed to pull out the flashlight when it came time to sign for the bill.
Except for the cold weather being there reminded us of being in Alabama.
Right after our food came Sue Martin the owner of Piper called to say a lady from Alabama will be overnighting the deposit for Piper.
After dinner we drove Rhoda to Phil and Anna's to help Sarah who is staying there overnight caring for Braelyn and Taegan. Phil and Anna fly in late tonight.

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