The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cold on the Way

The weather has been a cold dismal gray rainy day. The rain held off until after the walk. Diane and I worked on letters. There were 2 kind of funny letters today that I will have to take a picture of and post tomorrow. One had the tiniest little letters, so small we could hardly read it and that was asking for a large print Bible and the other had letters so huge they took up most of the 8 x 11 sheet just asking for a Bible (not large print)I meant to bring them home but forgot in the rush to get everything done.
After the Bibles were dropped off at the post office I headed to Aldi's where $120.00 worth of groceries were purchased including a 20 pound turkey and all the ingredients to make 10 pies. Unloading had to be done in the rain. I stuck a lamb shoulder in the oven for dinner which helped heat up the house while it roasted. Rhoda and Emily stopped at TSC for 12 bags of grain on their way home from school and had to load and unload that in the rain also. We just heard the coldest temperature of the season is heading our way and I still have 1 automatic waterer heater not working. For some reason the GFI outlet keeps popping. Mark picked up Spark to get some ideas on installing new arena lights for the indoor so both of them looked at the outlet trying different things but weren't able to fix it. I sure hope this will not be a complicated fix. We are heading to bed early as I have to be on the road by 6:00am tomorrow.

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