The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, November 25, 2013

Cleaning Day

Today Rhoda, Sarah and Emily worked on this 150 year old farm house preparing it for company. The closet doors in the upstairs hallway and 2 bedrooms disappeared years ago and when we were remodeling the house I wanted to install new closet doors. That didn't happen, there was always somewhere else more important to put the available monies especially when we hardly ever go upstairs. Well today the girls decided to remedy the gaping closet holes by shower rods and shower curtains. When mom came over we made her go upstairs to admire our handiwork. That was a bad at 81 years old has way too good of eyes. The first thing she notices is the bedroom door needs touch-up paint and the dresser has some scratches. She went home and got her wood marker and worked on the dresser. It looks much better now, leaving me with trying to find the touch up paint. Mark's job he must get done before the company arrives is to adjust the hot water in the upstairs shower. The sink has nice hot water but for some reason the shower only comes out lukewarm.
We had one scary thing happen today, Evan's automatic waterer froze up and I didn't notice that he had no water at all yesterday. When feeding this morning I could tell something wasn't right with him, he seemed agitated. Thank goodness I went in his paddock to investigate. He was moved in with the weanlings and drank and drank. All of the waterers are now plugged in and working well, believe me I checked and double checked them all. I left Evan in with the weanlings for the night. He is being very sweet with them and seemed glad for the company.

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