The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Spoon River Drive Day3

The promise of better weather than last weekend worked and brought the crowds out to the Old School Center even though all morning the sun refused to show her face. When the sun finally did arrive the temperatures rose to a very comfortable 73 degrees. Karin's youth group hosted the pony rides today and they were worked. They gave almost 200 rides, the ponies and the kids were tired by 5:00pm. I was kept busy cooking (according to the health dept making cotton candy qualifies as cooking and we needed that $50.00 permit) and popping corn. Lots of corn, last weekend I went through maybe a third of the 50 pound bag of popcorn, today I finished that bag. Dan came to relieve me for a few minutes so I could get a few pictures.
Missy and Cookie were the ponies chosen for today although I had some pretty large men ask to ride.

 Below are a few of the workers getting a rare chance to sit.
It was actually kind of cute when it came time to load the horses, one of the little girls lead Cookie in first, then when the girl that was leading Missy started asking her to go in. Missy got just her 2 front feet inside, the girl stops, leaves Missy standing half in and half out and says, someone else do it. The next child climbs in pretty confident but can't figure out where the trailer tie is, then Missy misses the step and ends up lurching inside which scared Cookie. 
When those ponies finally got home they were thrilled and had to have a good roll. Sure hope they aren't too dirty for tomorrow when they get to do it all over again. Jenis is still in season and was covered by Evan then just left in with him. Anna is in and covered by Valiant and the left in with him. When I walked in the  house I was hit with the odor of spoiled fish. Mark threw fish in the garbage. The entire house smells very fishy, the kitchen garbage can has been placed outside until I can hose it out, then bleach it. Now to open all the windows and hope for a breeze. Tomorrow morning before I leave that needs to be done, then both mares will need to be taken out of the stallion's paddocks until Monday morning when they will be teased again.
Tonight is the Berean banquet, the first one since Uncle Ed died. Pretty much everyone out here has gone in to work at that. 

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