The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Rain, Rain and More Rain

The rain started yesterday and just kept coming down all night and so far most of today. We are suppose to reach around 2 inches by the time it is finished. Thankfully the weather is mild, low 60s. A cold rain is harder on horses than snow.
I worked on letters, Bibles and the silver series at Berean today. Mark was going to help load the boxes of Bibles into the car but by the time I was done he was no where to be found. The cart was already loaded with items Rhonda wants Spark to take to the jail so instead of carrying 1 box at a time down the loading dock to my car I thought of the brilliant plan of putting the boxes on one of our rolling office chairs. The plan wasn't that brilliant in the end. Now the moral of this story is bottom heavy people can fly around the office floor in these chairs but top heavy boxes topple when hitting cracks in the concrete on the loading dock. It would have been faster to either unload the jail stuff, use the cart then load back the jail stuff or walk each box to the car. The entire time it was pouring down rain. By the time I reached the post office another car was in the loading area forcing me to carry the boxes pretty far anyway.
I made it home in time to meet Dan at the barn. He had another idea and supplies for our magic box.
After that it was a good time to work on the breeding records for our mares. For 2014 we have 12 mares confirmed in foal, 8 mares bred but not yet confirmed in foal and 5 we are not breeding.
Sangria, Sally, Missy, Cookie and Paris are all needed as riding horses next year.
Lily isn't confirmed but more than likely bred, she always takes. Lilypony, Prissy, Lola, Jewel, Bunni, Jenis and Anna still need ultrasounds but of that list only Anna is here, the rest at at Middle Grove.
Below is Eliza, she is one that is confirmed. I just really like the lighting on this picture. The sun was going down highlighting her mane and feather.
Mike, Rhoda and Emily took off for Middle Grove to pick up Mika, Bunni, Missy and Cookie for the trail ride on Saturday at Sandridge. They may do 2 of those rides, one at a gallop, bring the first 4 back and take the next 4 that need trail work, Eliza, Anna, Star and Ayanna. Too bad we don't have an 8 horse trailer.

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