The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, October 25, 2013

Practice Makes Perfect

We had another cold start to our day. The hoar frost was all over the fields making them  sparkle like diamonds in the sun.

Rhoda and Emily took an early morning ride before heading in to town. Below they are galloping across the field as they finished the 'death trails'.

Emily left for Bloomington to meet with her mom and grandma and bring back her youngest brother Timothy. Rhoda left for Peoria to pick up her car title and extra keys then came back and helped get a few pictures of Rosalie. I also took a video of her loading and leading and was going to take one of her loose in the arena except she jumped the arena fence and took down a section.
 Piper was let out in the field next. Piper will be for sale as soon as she is confirmed in foal.
Rhonda showed up with 3 of her grandchildren when we were putting Rosalie away.
After work Karin arrived with the materials to start on the magic box for the show in March. 
Emily, Rhoda, Karin and I worked on temporarily putting it together to make sure it would fit the Friesians. Emily went to bring Eliza down to the house.
 and led her inside. We were pleased to see it was just right.
Below we have taped up the black sheet and sprayed it with glitter. Emily is explaining how she would attach the material to Rhoda, Timothy and Karin.
Anni Davidovics arrived for practice with Eliza. Below she is leading Eliza into the barn for tacking up.

 Above Emily is leading Killian in for tacking while Jessica is warming up Anna.
 Below left to right is Jessica on Anna, Anni on Eliza and Emily on Killian.
Right about then Rhoda and I had to leave to drive to CEFCU to first sell Rhoda's Mini Cooper then buy her a Corolla. Rhoda is now the owner of a 2010 Corolla.

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