The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Keep them On the Ground

What a busy day we had at the Berean warehouse. There was just no way to get everything done, Diane took off again leaving Eva Jean and I with a huge amount of work. We worked until noon then piled up everything into 2 mail boxes and sent them home with Eva Jean to finish. We left well over a 100 letters that will need to be read on Thursday.
When Emily arrived home from school today she pulled out Misty first. It was warm enough to see how she would do with getting her hooves picked up (perfect).
 getting hosed off, (scared at first but then stood fine.)
 mounting, dismounting, walk, trot and cantering under saddle (perfect)
 Misty was doing so well Emily started her on tricks. She asked her to step up on the pedestal and without a fuss Misty did.
 The bow took a bit longer and will need to be worked on consistently for a while but even that went well.
Misty was put back so Eliza and Evan could be worked. We now ask Evan to work in the arena with a mare that is not in season. He is learning to respect them. Eliza is quick to put him in his place.
 Below is beautiful Eliza. Her colt was left in with Bunni, he wasn't happy but didn't call too much.
 Evan was a pill at first, he just didn't want to keep his back feet on the ground. This doesn't faze Emily.

He settled down and gave her a very nice canter on both sides by the time she was done.  Rhoda arrived as we were leaving for choir so she and Emily pulled Misty back out, harnessed her up to the pony cart and drove her around the farm. It is fun to have a driving pony around again.
Choir was really good. Spark drove his new big diesel van that seats 16 so we all had plenty of room.

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