The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Afternoon Workout

Rhoda and Emily came home from Jubilee pumped. Both mares were really good, going through the creeks, climbing the steep hills and galloping through the meadows. Anna and Misty were cooled off then Eliza and Evan brought out. We were hoping Evan would be well behaved after his bucking yesterday but it wasn't to be. The beginning of his ride was a wild one for Emily. Evan was really catching some air.

What was funny was Eliza wasn't much better in the beginning. Rhoda just stuck a bareback pad on her because the only saddle that fits her right now was left at the Old School Center for the pony rides during the Spoon River drive.
 I've come to the conclusion these 2 girls can ride anything we throw at them.
By the time the girls were done working the horses they both were a giving very nice controlled canter.

They finished the afternoon with a nice quiet ride on the 'death trails' here at the farm.

Emily and Rhoda left early for church so they had time to stop and get something to eat. Mark and I decided to wait to eat until after church so we could take advantage of fast disappearing daylight.
We are studying Revelations and Willis had the lesson on the 7 churches. We were to take what was said about each church and apply that to Peoria. This gave us much to think about. After church Mark and I stopped at HiVee for a quick dinner. That was a mistake, most of their food on the salad bar and been put away and what was left wasn't very appetizing.

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