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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Yesterday's News

Yesterday was so busy there wasn't time to write. Emily took only Mytross and her colt in to Dr. Hoerr's, the stock trailer was needed for Middle Grove. Mytross' uterus was clean but she had a small tear that was infected. Her coggins was drawn and the foal given it's foal shot. We were short Diane at work and wasn't able to finish. Not only that we weren't even able to get done by noon. Lunch was rushed just not enough time yesterday to get everything done that should have been done. As soon as I got home the house needed to be cleaned and a bedroom prepared for company coming in from California. Rhoda and Emily were busy bathing horses and Emma (not that Emma was going to the show she just rolled in manure). We left for the show just after 5:00pm and got there in plenty of time to sign up for classes, tack up and warm up the mares. Ayanna and Indy weren't the only Friesians there, Monica brought her 4 year old Eisis. Their best class was hunter hack, which is walk, trot, canter and 2 jumps. Indy won the class and Ayanna came in second and NO they weren't the only horses in the class!  Below are a few pictures of the evening.

The speed classes were really large, The first speed class the girls entered was bending poles. Indy was so funny, she starts into the arena and stops dead staring. It looked like she was posing for the crowd. She didn't win a ribbon but did finish without knocking any poles down. Rhoda placed 6th with a blazing time of 54 seconds. Probably because Ayanna didn't knock anything down and cantered. Emily got a 5th place ribbon in some kind of equitation class. Lots of pictures of the show were taken and placed on the Horsemeister Inc Facebook page. When the sun went down it was too dark to take decent pictures. Thankfully I drove separate so could leave. The riders and horses didn't make it back until midnight. The flag race and barrel race all took place after I left.

1 comment:

  1. Aww..that's a pretty buckskin! I'm pretty sure it's an honor to be on your Freisian blog without a Freisian....;) We had fun and it was nice to see your pretty girls-all 4!
