The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Vaulting Camp

Vaulting camp was held today at the Horsemeister farm. Karin does such a good job with this camp. In years past it has been so hot the campers are always ready for a cool refreshing swim in Diane's pond but not today. It was cool and when the wind started up it wasn't just cool it was down right cold. The girls had a great time learning how to vault.

 Ribbon is always perfect for this camp. Mark and Emily worked on the patio in front of the farm house door, removing the old concrete. This was a big job and what they found underneath the concrete was a surprise. Almost a foot of sand!

 Mark and Emily worked on scraping the sand off and piling it up in the yard. Now to get out of the house one must take a huge giant step! We need a step stool to get into the house.  After lunch Karin and Emily took Amy and Eve on the death trails. Eve rode Jenis while Amy rode Zalena. Karin took Marika leaving Emily Ribbon.

Right after they left a car pulled up with what looked like another vaulter but it wasn't. This was a girl named Gabby from Florida and her grandmother who just happened to be from Peoria. They came to see the Friesians. The foals were a hit as always but Evan also had to be taken out and shown off. Gabby was able to run Evan through all his tricks. As we were exiting the outdoor arena the trail riders showed up and 2 of those mares are in season right now. We held Evan back until the mares were put away. When the girls got back from the death trails I asked them how it went. The first words out of Eve's mouth were, "I WON!"
 Evidently they raced coming back. After dinner Emily went back out to weed whack and Mark went back out to work on the patio. Paris needed to be treated and the horses fed and finally I'm ready to sit down with a good book.

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