The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday's Work

Our morning was so very productive. That happens when one gets up before breakfast! We got Lola covered early, she wasn't happy but did show a bit. Without the ultrasound we would never have known. She is so worried about her colt she wants nothing to do with the stallions. Ayanna finally started showing and was covered by Evan. After both mares were put away the camera was brought out. Emily tacked up Valiant and headed for the outdoor arena. Below is my favorite shot of the morning.
He was such a good boy today. He is slipping right into the canter quietly when asked. He was asked to go over poles and over the tarp and Emily has started his training on the sidepass.

She finished up with asking him to bow, lay down and sit up which he did perfectly.
We were really pleased with him. Breakfast was served after all of that and it was still not even 9:00 am. Amazing what one can accomplish in a few hours. Emily packed and then left for her trip. She is heading to Mexico with her family for 10 days. Nice that she is leaving now that all the mowing, weed whacking, fence painting and manure spreading is done. Mark power sprayed the manure spreader and that has now been put away for a season, parked inside. 
Mark needed to go in to church to check on one of the lunchroom air conditioners and I needed to go to Sams for dog food and groceries so he was dropped off to work while I shopped. The afternoon was spent working in the driveway. This evening Ribbon was covered by Valiant. I can now handle him myself. He is actually waiting for me to tell him when to mount instead of dragging me over and throwing himself up on the mare.

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