The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lazy Afternoon

A swim suit and towel were packed into the truck before loading up Killian and Ayanna for the trip to Middle Grove. I had to drive through the hay field and the amount of round bales on this field is really impressive.
After unloading and watching Ayanna and Killian make their way through the chest high grass I started hiking to find the herd. This place has everything a horse could ever desire,  fields to run in, trees to lounge under, lakes for swimming (and they do), clear running cool creeks for refreshing drinks and lots of grass. The only problem is trying to figure out where the rest of the horses are when we arrive.
 Below is Killian

I started hiking to the 3rd meadow where sometimes the herd hangs out but before I got there Mike came around the bend on the tractor. He spent the morning mowing. He had just come from the far end of the property and told me I would find the herd under the trees over by the corner. Most of them were there but when I counted I realized we were missing 5 horses which meant another long hike to search. 
The picture below is Rosalie, Lily's daughter. She is now old enough to wean but Lily is doing so well I'll leave her there longer. 
The other pictures just didn't turn out, I had the zoom lens on the camera and they were all lounging together under the trees. They were all checked over and all are fat and happy. Before heading out to search for the missing 5 Indy was haltered and brought along so Killian and Ayanna could see her and she would  lead them back to the herd. We got to the top of the hill when Indy discovered them and started calling. Those 2 came at a gallop. 
They greeted each other and all of them took off running to join up with the main herd up under the trees.
The missing horses were found down under the trees where the creek runs through.
I'm hoping these 5 will join up with the main herd soon. Holly, Lilypony and Prissy were taken out before their ultrasound. This would be a good chance for Killian to do something productive. More than likely they are all pregnant though. 
The next job was to get my swimming suit on and hike over to the swimming lake. Mike was busy working on the creek crossing with the excavator but quit long enough to take a refreshing swim.
Below are a few pictures of us all working hard. 
 Ebby with her life jacket on.

 Spark sitting then swimming under water. This lake is so clean and clear I asked him to go way down deep.
 Rhonda taking a snooze
 Karin, Actually Karin had every right to relax, she hosted the youth group camping for her church overnight. 13 kids stayed. She took them on long trail rides, a pontoon boat ride, a night time swim and prepared 2 meals for them last night's supper and this morning's breakfast. They all went home happy but exhausted.
 Diane cooling off.
 Noel swam underwater for the camera too. Check out those weird arms, legs and fingers.
Karin took me back to the truck on her 4 wheeler. Mike was back on the tractor mowing again. Once home there were pictures posted of Avalon's 1 day old colt by Evan owned by Alicia Cooksey. Avalon is a Raven daughter. This boy is 75% Friesian but 100% Friesian in looks. Below he is taking a nap in the early morning sunshine. Thank you Mikayla for taking and posting the picture.

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