The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fish are Biting

Ribbon and Ayanna were teased before the walk, both showed but neither covered. It was way more important to get Lola covered. Mike was asked to help with this as Lola must be twitched. Valiant was well behaved. Lola showed but only as he was mounting, not before. I'm not sure how we will know when she goes out. Anna had Braelyn and Taegan here in time for the second round of the walk. Those girls helped get all the chores done. Braeyln loves to help dump the grain in the stallion feeders and move the hose when filling the cow water tank. On walk we decided swimming would be at Diane's pond around noon. Karin and Rachel hauled Indy and Oksana out to Middle Grove. After chores were finished it was time to go in the house and Braelyn just didn't want to. She played for a while on the drive.
 That girls is for sure going to be a volley ball player, check out how high she can jump.
Taegan no longer is content to crawl. She is pulling herself up on everything.

She had a short nap then over to the pond we went. Both girls LOVED that. There is just something great about playing with other kids.

The only problem was the fish were biting. John Honegger bought a load of fish for this pond and they were very hungry. Too bad none of us had poles, they were taking bites out of our legs. Check out the bite on mom's leg below.
Someone needs to start fishing in this pond...or feed the fish. Faith was the only other person that got bit hard enough to bleed, a fish came up and grabbed her belly button. After the kids were picked up Mytross and her colt were taken out for a few pictures. He is just over 2 weeks old and so cute. He has springs for legs, when Rhoda gets back I want to get a video of him.

Mytross will need to be teased tomorrow morning.  Tonight Ribbon was covered by Valiant and Ayanna was covered by Evan. Mark went out to spread dye on the pond, Darcy, Emma and Studly got to come and all three jumped in and swam a bit to cool off. The day has been very hot and humid. The horses were sprayed with water to cool them off.  Mark came back with blue hands.

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