The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, July 22, 2013

Cor & Clair's Departure Date

Before the walk the cows were given a round bale and the middle paddock given a new round bale. Emma and the boys were grained, then Emma covered by Evan. During the walk all the cabin horses were down at the bottom of the field. I usually check on the mares when we do the cabin loop but today waited until after the walk. Clair is now bagging up. The transport company was suppose to be here next week but this is what her udder looks like today:
It is much bigger than the last time I checked it on Saturday. She let me draw some colostrum and it is still clear so she does have some time. I emailed and called her owner to tell her she would not be able to be transported next week. Not that much later the transport company called to say they had a cancellation and the mares would be picked up early Wednesday morning for their 14 hour trip to New Mexico. Much relieved the vet clinic was called to find out if the coggins and health papers were processed and ready to be picked up. Once that was confirmed it was just a short trip over to Morton, IL to pick up the papers, download the transfer papers, fill out the stallion certificates and now Cor and Clair are ready to leave.
Below is a better picture of Clair. This foal is taking up a lot of room.
I'm really happy Clair and Cor are traveling together and going to the same owner. They are best friends and can raise their foals together. Karin posted pictures of the camp she held over the weekend. She hosted 13 campers overnight.

She reported the kids were all very respectful and obedient and all thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Horsemeister is pleased to be able to donate the horses and very pleased Karin donates her time for this one of a kind opportunity right here in our little neck of the woods.
Marika is now in season and was covered by Evan tonight.
And now for an amazing squirrel. We always knew they were determined to get the bird seed but didn't realize to what lengths this squirrel would go.
I did not take this video.

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