The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, April 8, 2013

Indy Out

Today was shopping day at Sams and Aldi's where $125.00 worth of ingredients were stocked up on, then once home mixed together and cooked. A big crock pot of broccoli cheese soup was set to simmer while the chicken and dumpling recipe was thrown together and put in the oven. While that was baking, a batch of chocolate pecan fudge was made and put in the fridge. Finally it was time to go outside for the more entertaining jobs like stall cleaning. Karin arrived to start working horses when Rachel arrived with her twin nieces to play with Ella's filly (we really need a name for her).

 They were brought in the stall, played with then left in while the girls went out to watch Karin working Cookie. Cookie is just so cute. The girls gave Karin a hand at her training.

Once Cookie was put away Indy was taken out to tease.  She is now out of season and let the boys know with a squeal and a kick. Cor Arainne and Prissy were teased with neither of them showing. Lilypony was still in and covered by Evan.  At that point I left to get dinner ready to take over to mom's. By the time I got back Mark was already home.  We had an early dinner then he went out to start working on the wood pile and also fixed a downed board in the weanling paddock. We have an appointment with Hoerr vet clinic for Thursday afternoon for ultrasounds. 

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